Stock Ändra Datum
Allot Communications 9.61M 2.1M 2024-06
Bezeq The Israel ILS 107M 11M 2024-06
Cellcom Israel 118M 37M 2024-06
Digi Communications NV EUR 11.76M 1.25M 2024-06
Magyar Telekom HUF 32.43B 7.08B 2023-12
Telekom Malaysia Bhd MYR 207.7M 10.9M 2024-06
Telkom SOC ZAR 758M 145M 2024-09
Turk Telekomunikasyon AS TRY 3.21B 904.75M 2024-06

Bezeq The Israel Aktier - Aktuella värden, historiska data, prognoser, statistik, diagram och ekonomisk kalender - Mar 2025.